Most projects are a culmination of many moving parts; seen and unseen.
Normally we only think of that concept with vehicles, electronics and other types of machinery. Applying this concept to your thought process spotlights the streamlined approach of the well-oiled machine operating at peak performance.
Having all your ideas appear as easy as going in one end and out the other with a finished product or project is always the goal.
Taking your idea and visualizing the end result can feel like a leap of faith. The key is to couple the feeling of success no matter how small along with your belief and a healthy dose of self-esteem and worthiness.
If believing an idea is too much for you; then it’s a sure sign the worthy aspect needs some work.
Sure the idea in itself flowing around in the atmosphere and your acknowledgement is a sure sign of its merit. You’re good enough, worthy and entitled to all the good things swirling around. Whatever you desire is just a belief away.
Sometimes the how is not as necessary as the what. Continue to focus your attention on the what, see yourself participating in the picture happily enjoying it and no matter what; it “IS” part of your reality.
The more you believe, the more you receive; just don’t forget about writing it down and the power it adds in pulling it all together.
Just Be Specific!