It’s time to think about the life you really want to live if you haven’t really done so.

It’s time for me to implement all of the knowledge I’ve acquired in 2023, switch up things for you and for all of us to level up in 2024.

My husband surprised me the final week of 2023 with a romantic getaway. It was a great opportunity for me to live in the moment and recharge my inner battery.

This brief respite provided some fresh visions and old projects presented themselves with modifications and all they have to offer.

Many of my old unfinished books have new characters, additional story lines and they’re bursting at the seams to enter our reality.

“Drops of Inspiration” will no longer be a daily feature and new content will be released throughout the month.

My intention for 2024 is to present content from the numerous downloads provided by spirit in various mediums I learned in 2023.

Throughout the coming months many of you will enjoy more directed content as I expand and reach deeper heights in my meditations connecting with all of you.

A variety of offerings are manifesting with some more elaborate than others.





You’re part of the human race; it’s a specific kind of tribe. 

All of us are at different stages of development as are all species. 

Many choose to be defined by our differences instead of what we have in common. 

That satchel you carry started with the same ingredients as everyone else’s. 

How the parts were used, greatly differs due to the hosts parameters.

Your perspective embodies whatever you can envision. 

Now’s the time to dream even bigger than you ever have before because the only limitations that exist are the ones you impose on yourself. 


Stay Blessed!


We are all surrounded by a sea of wealth. 

Everything we want and need is already in our web; we, like the spider, need only move across our web to capture the object of our desire. 

It sounds simple and so easy to do but can you see or imagine it? Does it feel credible to you? 

From the time you conjure a thought, speak it or write it; you are placing your order. Surely you don’t go out to eat without expecting your order to appear or buy something online and not expect it to arrive? 

Maintain that mindset and level of expectation in all your quests. 

Believe It And See It! 

Stay Blessed!


You may not always be popular but more of an acquired taste. 

It’s your individuality that sets you apart from the rest. There is no mold for duplication or replacement. 

Standing your ground, staying unique and following your own path ensures you’re more likely to disseminate your own thoughts into the actions that best suit YOU.

Stray away from the maddening crowd and the sheep. 

Never be afraid to execute your own agenda since that’s the best shot you have at getting it done. 

Regardless of the blather and other nonsensical chatter; let your conscience be your guide. 

If unsure don’t abhor to any others reason; just stay true to only you and don’t test their waters like it matters. 

Drown out the sighs and don’t give rise to endless second guesses; so now’s the time to take a breath and delete all of their messes. 

Now it’s no waste if you make haste while riding into the light. 

You get to choose if you snooze and just how high you fly. 


Stay Blessed!


Putting forth the initial effort is opening the floodgates to numerous epiphanies. 

It reminds me of the avalanche that requires a minimal bit of snow to evolve into something massive. 

Our thoughts start out as mere flecks that have the potential to become extraordinary. 

Every moment seeds are flowing through our minds and those same thoughts are available to everyone in the same sea of consciousness. 

The difference is that some will act on those thoughts and others will not. 

We often remark “I was just thinking that, that was my idea or I was working on that”; unfortunately we weren’t spending enough time on something and someone else beats you to the market with this mutual revelation. 

Don’t wait till next year to breathe life into your consciousness opportunities; grab one and see where it takes you. 

Take the plunge! 

Stay Blessed!


It’s scary doing something different. 

Stepping into the unknown highlights your fears. 

It doesn’t mean you can’t do it but it’s like sticking your toe in the water to test the temperature; of course you’re still getting in but with trepidation and reluctance you push through. 

Moving forward is the only way you’ll know if you succeed or not. It definitely propels you from woulda, coulda, shoulda land to “I DID IT” island. 

No matter how scary that new endeavor is; just hold on, keep your eyes on the prize, swallow hard and just keep going. 

I Know You Can Do It! 

Stay Blessed!


A distinct connection occurs when you complete each other’s thoughts or say what the other is thinking. 

These instances are not limited to two people and embody a natural connection. 

This type of fluidity is an element of a “REAL” soul mate or other spirit travelers that you travel with through time. 

Over time you get new bodies as your spirit continues on, you change roles and sexes with others in your same group through history. 

There will be others in addition that come and go but it’s basically the same group of spirits. 

Perhaps this time they’re your spouse and last time they were your child, parent or best friend. The configuration changes but you’re always you in essence. 

Relationships have different types but they aren’t the only the bonds that tie us to one another. 

The longevity and intricacies of these relationships span over the course of your spirits lifetime beyond your current body. 

During meditation, you can connect with past lives, experience unresolved issues and now garner greater insight from a new perspective. 

Rectifying these issues now can eradicate the need to relearn these lessons again in future lives. 

Any lesson uncompleted will always be presented again and again in different formats until you can proceed to the next level; no matter how many times you have to come back to get it right. 

Every instance has a blessing, a lesson or both. 

School’s Always In Session! 

Stay Blessed!


Navigating through life can feel like being in a rainforest and all you have is a plastic take out knife to cut through the dense foliage. 

Just imagine if you didn’t have that knife. 

Take the tools you have and give it a go; ANYWAY! 

Anything is better than sitting on the sidelines and not participating at all. 

If enjoying the victory of achieving your goals has eluded you, bask in the knowledge you acquired during the process and try again. 

Putting forth the effort says a lot about you and your perceived failure is only feedback in the grand scheme of things. 

Each time you initiate the effort you’ve moving the starting point closer to the goal and you’re that much closer to winning. 

Don’t allow any feelings of failure to consume you and drive you into giving up. 

There’s nothing wrong with taking a break, reviewing your notes and getting after it again. 

You’ve got what it takes to do this; don’t model your success after anyone else’s, just run your own race and make sure you celebrate at YOUR finish line. 

Here’s To The Champion In You! 

Stay Blessed!


A distinct line can be drawn in the sand separating you from your past.

Making a decision to let go separates the tentacles ethereally from your spirit but only if you allow it. 

Decide to take this bag I now hand to you, recollect all of the past you want to rid yourself of as a tangible object and place it in the bag. 

Don’t worry all of it will fit in the bag no matter how much you need to put in it. 

I’ve already dug a hole for you in the yard, just walk over to it and drop the bag in the hole. 

Feel the relief as the bag is being absorbed into the earth by Mother Nature. 

You don’t need me to dig a new hole in the future; you can just imagine the hole being there and drop the bag in. 

Do this as many times as needed until the past (whatever you are trying to release – circumstances, people or things) are no longer a regular part of your conscious thoughts. 

Your ability to release the past keeps you from looking back, concentrating on the future and all the next steps necessary to bring your goals to fruition. 

Step forward with intention every day. 

You Got This! 

Stay Blessed!