Finding your way through the seemingly desolate wasteland of life can have a myriad of oases. 

Embarking on unfamiliar ventures can be scary. You feel that knot in the pit of your stomach and “whoa” you wonder if you’re making the right decision. You may even allow this mindset to segue into a trickle that influences other aspects of your life that pollutes those waters too. 

Pull out your intuition sword and cut through the madness. A reset and not a full reboot may be in order. You have fallen out of the boat into the stream of consciousness and are drowning in confusion and uncertainty; all because you’ve forgotten to listen to your own heart, regardless of all the screaming choices and suggestions swirling around you. 

Perhaps you’d be better off just covering your ears to hear what your own heart is telling you. 

If you can’t see the forest for the trees and you’re blinded by the light; you are better off closing your eyes, breathing deeply and connecting with the divine in silence so you can really hear the truth. Your own truth, since what is best for someone else may not necessarily be true or good for you. 

It’s okay, you’re an individual and you have a voice, brain and the right to fully utilize these fully functioning parts. Don’t deprive yourself the opportunity to “STAND UP” and use your own inner compass to steer your vessel. 

No one knows better than you what is truly right for you. If anyone tells you any different…… 


There is no real competition going on, just the aspirations of the best you, “YOU” can be. 

Sail’s Up, Land Ho, Full Steam Ahead! 

Stay Blessed!