A distinct line can be drawn in the sand separating you from your past.

Making a decision to let go separates the tentacles ethereally from your spirit but only if you allow it. 

Decide to take this bag I now hand to you, recollect all of the past you want to rid yourself of as a tangible object and place it in the bag. 

Don’t worry all of it will fit in the bag no matter how much you need to put in it. 

I’ve already dug a hole for you in the yard, just walk over to it and drop the bag in the hole. 

Feel the relief as the bag is being absorbed into the earth by Mother Nature. 

You don’t need me to dig a new hole in the future; you can just imagine the hole being there and drop the bag in. 

Do this as many times as needed until the past (whatever you are trying to release – circumstances, people or things) are no longer a regular part of your conscious thoughts. 

Your ability to release the past keeps you from looking back, concentrating on the future and all the next steps necessary to bring your goals to fruition. 

Step forward with intention every day. 

You Got This! 

Stay Blessed!