A distinct connection occurs when you complete each other’s thoughts or say what the other is thinking. 

These instances are not limited to two people and embody a natural connection. 

This type of fluidity is an element of a “REAL” soul mate or other spirit travelers that you travel with through time. 

Over time you get new bodies as your spirit continues on, you change roles and sexes with others in your same group through history. 

There will be others in addition that come and go but it’s basically the same group of spirits. 

Perhaps this time they’re your spouse and last time they were your child, parent or best friend. The configuration changes but you’re always you in essence. 

Relationships have different types but they aren’t the only the bonds that tie us to one another. 

The longevity and intricacies of these relationships span over the course of your spirits lifetime beyond your current body. 

During meditation, you can connect with past lives, experience unresolved issues and now garner greater insight from a new perspective. 

Rectifying these issues now can eradicate the need to relearn these lessons again in future lives. 

Any lesson uncompleted will always be presented again and again in different formats until you can proceed to the next level; no matter how many times you have to come back to get it right. 

Every instance has a blessing, a lesson or both. 

School’s Always In Session! 

Stay Blessed!


Navigating through life can feel like being in a rainforest and all you have is a plastic take out knife to cut through the dense foliage. 

Just imagine if you didn’t have that knife. 

Take the tools you have and give it a go; ANYWAY! 

Anything is better than sitting on the sidelines and not participating at all. 

If enjoying the victory of achieving your goals has eluded you, bask in the knowledge you acquired during the process and try again. 

Putting forth the effort says a lot about you and your perceived failure is only feedback in the grand scheme of things. 

Each time you initiate the effort you’ve moving the starting point closer to the goal and you’re that much closer to winning. 

Don’t allow any feelings of failure to consume you and drive you into giving up. 

There’s nothing wrong with taking a break, reviewing your notes and getting after it again. 

You’ve got what it takes to do this; don’t model your success after anyone else’s, just run your own race and make sure you celebrate at YOUR finish line. 

Here’s To The Champion In You! 

Stay Blessed!


A distinct line can be drawn in the sand separating you from your past.

Making a decision to let go separates the tentacles ethereally from your spirit but only if you allow it. 

Decide to take this bag I now hand to you, recollect all of the past you want to rid yourself of as a tangible object and place it in the bag. 

Don’t worry all of it will fit in the bag no matter how much you need to put in it. 

I’ve already dug a hole for you in the yard, just walk over to it and drop the bag in the hole. 

Feel the relief as the bag is being absorbed into the earth by Mother Nature. 

You don’t need me to dig a new hole in the future; you can just imagine the hole being there and drop the bag in. 

Do this as many times as needed until the past (whatever you are trying to release – circumstances, people or things) are no longer a regular part of your conscious thoughts. 

Your ability to release the past keeps you from looking back, concentrating on the future and all the next steps necessary to bring your goals to fruition. 

Step forward with intention every day. 

You Got This! 

Stay Blessed!


One more step is all it takes and all that may be required when it’s all said and done. 

Quite often you may be resigned to quit because it’s too hard, things aren’t going your way or you’re wondering “what’s the point”. 

Before embarking on any journey it’s important to have the “RIGHT” resources first. 

This is not limited to tangible items. Your mindset plays a big part in your success of any endeavor as well as your own beliefs. 

Solidifying your own scenario mentally is essential before revealing it to anyone else. 

Your ideas are like newborn babies; the care and protection you bestow should be paramount. 

New Moms don’t normally want a lot of folks around when she gets home from the hospital with her bundle of joy for a reason. 

Keeping your plan close prevents the second guessing of others from torpedoing your success. 

Leave nothing to chance and stay relentless to the end. 

The Best Is Yet To Come! 

Stay Blessed!


If you’re walking around in the dark you’ll likely stub your toe on the furniture. 

Feeling your way around in life means you’ll encounter unfamiliar obstacles. You’re well equipped to maneuver around or through whatever issues arise. 

Whether the Sharks are nipping at you or the jagged rocks keep cropping up; they can’t stop you as you leap over them and stay the course. 

Maintaining your focus allows you to ride the wave, occasionally become airborne if needed and stay afloat. 

No matter what, you have what it takes to be victorious. 

Now Soar! 

Stay Blessed!


All throughout your life there are signs. 

Stop signs, yield signs, thermometers to test you to show signs of a fever, signs if you’re moving on the right track to your goals; no matter where you look it may be an inkling but sure enough it’s a sign. 

Often we look for signs of confirmation that what we are doing is correct and feels right. 

There is a flow where everything is in alignment and all the particulars are elements that are gathered along the way. If you pay attention it may be something that you don’t necessarily need right now but your gut says pick it up because you’ll need it down the road. 

You do things that pop in your head because they are part of the “BIG PICTURE” in your mind’s eye and at the end of the day it all comes together. 

Look for the “supposed to be” signs in your life. Those moments are the culmination of maintaining your very existence in the flow. 

What a wonderful place to be where everything you need just starts appearing at the precise moment you need it. 

Now That’s A Wonderful Life! 

Stay Blessed!