Navigating through life can feel like being in a rainforest and all you have is a plastic take out knife to cut through the dense foliage. 

Just imagine if you didn’t have that knife. 

Take the tools you have and give it a go; ANYWAY! 

Anything is better than sitting on the sidelines and not participating at all. 

If enjoying the victory of achieving your goals has eluded you, bask in the knowledge you acquired during the process and try again. 

Putting forth the effort says a lot about you and your perceived failure is only feedback in the grand scheme of things. 

Each time you initiate the effort you’ve moving the starting point closer to the goal and you’re that much closer to winning. 

Don’t allow any feelings of failure to consume you and drive you into giving up. 

There’s nothing wrong with taking a break, reviewing your notes and getting after it again. 

You’ve got what it takes to do this; don’t model your success after anyone else’s, just run your own race and make sure you celebrate at YOUR finish line. 

Here’s To The Champion In You! 

Stay Blessed!