You and everything around you was a thought before it was a thing; even if it was thought by accident or had a different initial purpose. 

In all actuality, it was thought at least twice. 

We are bombarded daily with a plethora of thoughts and many are predominantly priceless. 

Unless you capture them; they float away and move on into the ether. Being cognizant of this fact instills awareness in you so your level of mindfulness is elevated. You then take the time necessary to capture and facilitate these gems. 

Don’t allow one of them to appear one day only to irritate you while thinking “hey, that was my idea”. Unfortunately for you, the other person actually acted on the idea. 

We all exist in this stream of consciousness; have access to the ideas that pass through and the opportunities if we act on them. 

It doesn’t matter if you wake up in the middle of the night, pull your vehicle over on the side of the road or put that person on hold but “WRITE IT DOWN”; whatever it is. There is always a reason you are receiving these transmissions. 

Don’t try to figure it out first; just capture it.  Life will have moments that will flush those thoughts away to make room for the new ones and those dreams have way more meaning than you can imagine. Write them down then figure it out later. 

No need waiting for your ship to roll in, it’s been here all the time. 

Stay Aware and Open! 

Stay Blessed!